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Friday Fury - Boss Room Update

Friday Fury
A browser game made in HTML5


This Devlog will talk about the final room and level of Friday Fury, as well as the overall improved narrative of the game. Originally a narrative or story wasn't considered to be developed for this game. However, through the development of this game, I realised that the player needs a reason for why they are on a ramage kill spree against a gang of evil frogs. Although not taking itself seriously, the new narrative of Friday Fury revolves around teh protagonist and his quest to acquire his favourite beverage… Beer. But this is then stolen by the evil gang leader. This story was then put into a short introduction cutscene that the player will see after then enter into the hotel each time. 

This brings us to the Boss Room Update. Meet Frogsta, the leader of the evil gang of frogs that have taken over your apartment.

Frogsta Sprite:

This is a modified version of teh small frog sprite where he now has a golden necklace around his neck to show his status. He has also gotten bigger and stronger thus his pink skin. The decision behind this was to show the player that he is different to the other frogs and did so in the style of synthwave, making things flashy.

Boss Mechanic:

As Frogsta takes damage he will become angry leading him to charge the player as a dash mechanic. Once he has lost half of his health there is a 50% chance that he will charge the player every five seconds, once he reached one-tenth of his health it then becomes an 80% chance that he will stormy eh player in anger. 

Boss Healthbar:

The UI of the boss encounter in Friday Fury follows a very conventional means of displaying the boss's health. With a large health bar across the bottom of the screen with the name of teh boss above it. 

Boss Room:

The overall layout and design for the room of the final encounter were simple. Make a small enclosed area so that the player is trapped inside with teh boss, or the boss is trapped with the player. The room consists of four pillars in each corner of the room that act as shelter points for the player against the boss.

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