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Devlog 7: Busy Days

Postway Pass
A downloadable game for Windows

Tilly (Producer)

Hey everyone! This was a rather busy week for myself. I spent majority of the work starting and completing our NPC dialogue system, which will be used in our post office for interactions with Wilbur! The dialogue system uses a plugin called Ink, which allows us to map out a dialogue tree of all the speaking and then choices for the character to choose from, which will lead to the respective answer. The dialogue system will initiate when the player is within range of the NPC - they'll get a little prompt asking them to press 'e', to which the dialogue will start. The dialogue will be typed out individually character by character, or alternatively the player can press the return button and skip through the entire line of dialogue. The player can then choose from 1-3 options on their choice of reply and that will then prompt the next line of dialogue. It took a lot of work implementing it, but I'm very happy with how it turned out! To complement the dialogue I also added in some new UI for it which is essentially Tahleia’s original UI designs but just made to fit the style a bit more. I also worked on doing our new logo, and completed it after a lot of iterations. (see below!) I also worked on texturing a few props for the post office too, like the scroll and pots! 

Overall, it has been a rather eventful and productive week, and with PGF coming up in a few weeks, I'm excited to see how our game in action!


Kirsten (Design Lead)

hiee everyone! This week I spent the majority of my time modelling assets for the Post Office Hub, aka Wilbur's Abode. You might have seen last week I worked on his desk and bookshelf, now he has an inkwell and a stack of (classified) documents among other knick knacks! Aside from misc prop modelling, I also had the task of stylizing some base models done by our Test Lead Madeleine, the biggest of which was the grand staircase that spirals within the hollow. I swapped out the proportional placeholders with tree branch/log assets we already had from our iconic signpost for example (work smarter not harder!) and added little branches and knobs sticking out of them for that extra rustic feel. One of the misc props I had the most fun modelling this week was this little scroll model! It took me awhile to figure out how to get the spiral curve to extrude the shape from but it was super fun. I'm excited to get to texturing these Post Office models alongside Tilly this week! Aside from work on the Post Office, I also started brainstorming potential Spring level themes and motifs and discussed these with Madeleine who is writing the special mail for each level, and Tahleia in which you may see some concept art and ideas from us for Spring soon!! 

Tahleia (Art Lead)

Now the winter level is finally being wrapped up, I have been shifting my focus on the spring level. We underestimated how long the last level would take us to complete so tackling levels early on is the best way to go. Working closely with our design lead Kirsten and our writer Madeleine, we are discussing ways how to incorporate the world building into our spring level in terms of props and aesthetics. I have explored rough ideations for props and level layout with areas of interest/composition shots. While also exploring more UI mockups for our game menu and finalising the textures for our winter boss.

Madeleine (Test Lead)

Things were pretty quiet this week, but definitely not unproductive! I managed to get a ton of writing done for our upcoming level, as well as dealing with a few technical issues that popped up! All in all, not the busiest week but valuables nonetheless!

Tate (3D Art lead)

Hey! This week I started off by modelling the WateringCan for the Spring Boss within ZBrush. After modelling the can, I moved it over to Maya and sent the files on the art git. I later implemented the new animations for Ollie within Unity with the help of Daniels instructions. This involved Baking the animations in Maya, exporting them out individually as an FBX file, and when importing them to Unity, I had to make sure they fit the criteria as the previous animations.

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