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Game file back on itch!

Slime Exorcist
A browser game made in HTML5

Hi. Now that GoedWare Jam's over, I could finally add the lost game file back to the game page. Thank you to everyone who played the Newgrounds version and took the time to rate it. I can't believe I got third place in the jam. And thank you again to the host for allowing me to participate despite accidently deleting my game file at the last second and having to upload on a completely different site.

I have been reading everyone's critiques and did address one in this reupload -- the ghosts' collision masks are smaller. I had made them a little skinnier right before my first upload, but had not thought to change the height of the masks, which extended above the ghosts heads. I also experimented with getting the camera to not stay way up in the air when the slime is falling, though that is still in progress.

My long run plan is to upload a polished version of the first three levels and eventually an expanded version for Windows and possibly a mobile version. Some ideas include a third type of ghost that is neutralized by magic energy, fire water (which gives the slime both elements) and frozen water that has to be melted by charging yourself with fire. 

Thanks again to everyone who played. I had a great time making this game and playing everyone else's :)


  • 10 MB
    Oct 09, 2022
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