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v0.3.1 is now out

Fear the Phantom
A downloadable game

A new version is out! This update contains mostly bug fixes and quality of life changes. There were several issues with spawning into the world, but those problems should now be fixed. I've included a menu screen when pressing escape to prevent the game from exiting accidentally whenever you press esc. The menu screen also includes a description of the game controls. There have been changes done to networking to make it feel less choppy.

Lately I've been most focused on polishing the game to make the experience better, but I am thinking about adding more content in the next updates. I want to add more usable items, and a few ghost upgrades. It's very likely that the next update will contain ghost variants to spice up the gameplay and make the win conditions as ghost hunter more challenging.


  • Exorcists v0.3.1 - Installer 132 MB
    Oct 09, 2022
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