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Gallery Gunners
A downloadable game

One of the requirements for this project was to get feedback from our peers. This is one of the best chances to get feedback about the overall design of our game, as well as taking note of any bugs that other people might catch, that our team may not have seen or realized. 

Getting the game in front of other people gives us some greatly useful feedback. When asking the testers for feedback one of the comments we received "It's basic but it works," gives a lot of insight to the core of the game. While having the tag "basic" being one of the descriptors of our game isn't the best feeling, it shows that the concept has a good foundation, it just needs to be fleshed out a bit more . Another comment made was, "I wish I could shoot into other people's lanes." I [LlamaChow] personally agree with assessment, the game would feel more multiplayer if players had the ability to interact with each other. However, when showing off one of the bugs that makes it possible to shoot into other people's lanes, the tester laughed and said, "yeah, even that makes it a little better" referring to the game. The last comment which is definitely one of the best to hear was "I mean... I was decently entertained for three minutes." While we as designers should always strive to make the best games we can, within the limits of a given circumstance, we ultimately strive to make games that people can enjoy. That one bit of feedback proves that we as group created this game in the right direction, and while not perfect it has potential. 

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