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Alpha 6.0 Ready the Troops

Castle Constructor (Demo)
A browser game made in HTML5

Alpha 6.0 has been released with some important fixes and improvements to the game. The main focus of this update was on fixing a number of pathfinding issues and other issues with enemies so they will get stuck less often. Besides that we have added in some new range indicators that are clearer and easier to see as well as some new music for the build phase. The music starts simple but with each wave it will add or change one of the tracks that is playing so that it is different each wave. We are planning to add more tracks in the future as well so there will be even more variety.

With the major fixed completed we are next moving onto the siege update. For more details on that please check out the in game roadmap!


  • Added new in game bug reporting tool. Accessible from the main menu and the in game pause menu it allows a user to submit a report of what bug they encountered and allows them to automatically send the player log, save file, and a screenshot if they wish.
  • Adjusted the Battlements and Turret colliders to be less likely to block arrows fired from that block.
  • Battlements are now allowed to be placed directly next to the keep once again.
  • Adjusted the code handling the aiming of projectiles to make them more accurate and to now properly target units that are climbing.
  • Added new range indicators that are clearer and more visible than the old ones.
  • Added a new indicator to the volley to show the approximate area around the targeted point in which the arrows will hit.
  • New music for the build phase
  • New sound effect for when the flag is taking damage.
  • Doubled the time needed for enemies to capture the flag and thus defeat the player.


  • Fixed issue where enemies could get stuck trying to pass through a tile where a block had been destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue causing enemies to be stuck at their spawn points.
  • Fixed some issues with melee targeting.
  • Fixed some issues with where alchemists could be placed in a tower.
  • Fixed issue with enemies being left floating in the air when the siege tower they were in was killed.
  • Barracks and archer blocks now properly show a door when adjacent to the top of the keep instead of a wall.
  • Fixed an issue with quickly destroying blocks that could leave the ground tile hidden.
  • Fixed an issue where the archer defender in an archer block would sometimes be clipping out of the block.


  • Castle Constructor Demo Alpha 6.0 118 MB
    Oct 07, 2022
  • Castle Constructor Demo Alpha 6.0 68 MB
    Oct 07, 2022
  • Castle Constructor Demo Alpha 6.0 114 MB
    Oct 07, 2022
Download Castle Constructor (Demo)
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