is community of indie game creators and players



The Lost
A downloadable game

Hello Survivors!

The last 6-7 months we’ve been working very hard on this game to improve mechanics and uniqueness. We today have a few things we want to show you. Things we’ve been working on for a few weeks now!

Here is a video of testing the multiplayer!

As we go forward is the quest to complete and expand the multiplayer, we hope you join us on this quest!

What we are currently working on!

We are currently working on a horse riding system to help players get across the vast area of terrain quicker than walking or running. We are also working on a fishing system to help the player collect fishes for food.

One of the more bigger things we are working on is weapon dulling and sharpening. Overtime your weapon will begin to dull after you use it for awhile with certain things. Some things will make it dull faster than other things. When your weapon gets dull, you’ll have to spend resources to sharpen it. Overtime when your weapon dulls, damage will greatly reduce, along with its impact on certain things.

Another thing we are heavily working is a temperature system. This system will make it more challenging to be in the hostile environment of your surroundings. With this system you’ll have more challenging situations you have to escape from. For example, if the weather is freezing, you’ll have a chance of dying from hypothermia. We think this’ll bring a more challenging experience in the game to make the game more authentic.

And last but not least, we have news on an alpha. We are expecting alpha testing to start in late December for selected few. In this alpha we will be testing a lot of systems and work on improving them before we introduce multiplayer into the later stages of testing.

But, until next time, may you keep gaming!

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