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Devlog 5 - Test Preparations

Coercive Connection
A browser game made in HTML5


Preparing for the testing session, I made the level more interesting by adding higher shelves and making it so it was necessary for the player to navigate through them like a maze until they found a way to climb onto them with walkways to progress to the next section of the level. This was done to add more of a challenge to the level, including areas that provide a light challenge in platforming, precision and navigation. I also fixed minor collision problems with certain objects, like the player having difficulty jumping onto certain objects or colliders being inaccurate in general. Finally I made some other minor bug fixes and prepared a test survey in hopes of a smooth testing session.


This week was focused on getting a playable section of the game going for testing and for me, that included getting the AI and Security Camera systems working. 

Security Camera Console Viewer

I was successful in getting the core AI features of patrolling, searching, chasing and shooting although not implemented in the most elegant way. While there is still a few major issues to work out and some visual improvement/feedback, the overall system is working and gives much needed life to the game.

I then added some sound effects for the AI and some ambient sounds for level 1 to help give some atmosphere. The biggest focus was on ensuring that the AI, player and level was working together as one rather than feeling disjointed and took some trial and error to get it working correctly. By the testing day however, nearly everything was working at a standard good enough for testing without any major issues.


I have been setting up the other level's templates for the last week. 


1. Warehouse

2. Office

3. Labs

4. Control Room

It is easier to show than tell about each level as I have been busy and sadly can't talk about every small detail. So here are some of my favourites aspects of each level

Level 2 Office:

this is the elevator at the end of level two:

Level 3 Labs:

After looking at the basic skyboxes, as shown above, I felt that we need to add a skybox to make the windows and overall feel of the game. the main reason for the skybox over just setting up a city is that you don't have to load as much and get the same feel. To make this skybox, I first had the city outside. I then used a free skybox with a cloudy/stormy feeling. After that, I used a reflection probe to set up where it was I wanted the skybox to start. As we are in a skyscraper, I set it up as if you are on a higher floor.

here is the result:

The aim of the game is to infiltrate and destroy the control centre. so as shown below, the eye-catching item in the centre of the room is the main goal. this is only the barebones of the level

Level 4, the control room: 

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