is community of indie game creators and players


Corrupted vision

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello again (ImOmg), It feels like time is moving too damn fast. I feel like I just finished writing the last devlog post and suddenly a week has pasted. So on this week of prototyping, we decided to go with the theme of corrupted vision. That has a lot of meanings, and I could go in many directions with it, but the one we went with is somewhere along the lines of a corrupted game. -A game that is in simplified terms, bad. We turned our working prototypes and made them into what we would call worse versions of them. For mine I made a very short platformer. The player got a limited supply of blocks (three) and had to make it up a stage. The player is also not able to jump, so they have to place the blocks in a way they could launch themselves up using their momentum. Even thought that was my attempt at making the game bad, I kind of like the mechanic and I think I’ll add it to the final game if I can. 

(Oran) The theme we got this week was "corrupted vision", which was quite an interesting topic since it made me think for quite a while as to what type of prototype I was going to make or continue on with my previous one from last week. I decided to make a different one this week to fit in with the theme more, I decided to make a prototype of a 3d plat-former in third person with very bad lighting making it difficult for the player to judge the distance and timing of the jumps. To add to the "bad" theme of it the player moves extremely fast with inverted controls making it overall a terrible design choice. Which happens to tie in with the theme of this week!

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