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Chapter 3 ready to play!

Uchioniko MZ
A downloadable game for Windows

A demo update has appeared! Command?
[Escape ;_;]

Silliness aside, lemme go over some of the stuff that's been updated.

-Chapter 3 content available

This might be the most obvious thing to say, considering the title of this blog, but, yes! The main-line content for the game up to the boss fight against Junsuina Waru is complete!

-Day 14 loop

Events on Day 14 event forced players onto Iwayama, and would not let them retreat from it until Daichi-no-hono was defeated. This has been changed to allow players to not only approach Diachi on their own terms, but also not corner players into a position of a GAME OVER without any means of avoiding it outside of restarting from scratch.

-Arcomage edits

A few things to note here. One is the inclusion of victory conditions as part of the UI as outlined in this image. The other thing to note is that winning a game of Arcomage earns the player a Lucky Card. Perhaps that's too good of a reward, but, it'll serve for now. Also, I find it somewhat ironic to win a card from winning... a card game.

-Include calendar of events?

I mentioned this in my previous blog, but, I've put something of a calendar of events together to help me keep track of the goings-on of the game. Eventually, I will use it to modify/create NPC dialog. However, I've sometimes considered including it in the game, making it as spoiler-free as possible? Or maybe making a post, or making a separate tab on the gamepage? Or, maybe I just want some method to allow players to know what day it is without needing to refer to the F9 debug window. Which, itself, shouldn't even be allowed to happen unless the player specifically alters the code to allow it. Either way, I'd like to see some opinions on this.

I kinda feel like I might have forgotten something, such as spelling/grammar corrections, but these is the major changes from last release. Of course, if there are such errors, or bugs that I didn't squash, I would like to hear about them!

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