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Name That Hot Guy! Character Reveal & Name Poll #2

True Colours
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

It's Friday, gamers, and that means that Borealis is back with another BIG opportunity for ya!

Remember a little while back, when I allowed YOU lovely lot to choose the name for the True Colours female romance interest?  Well don't be content with just taking the credit for Brianna - how do you fancy naming a SECOND character?  That's right!  The power is in your hands once more!

My brilliant sprite artist has completed the character design for our second love interest of the game, and I'm once again turning it over to you to choose their name!  This time, he's tall, he's buff, he's hilarious, and most importantly - he's single!  Let me introduce you to bachelor number 2!

I just have one question for you - what is this guy's name?  Click the icon below to cast your vote and create even more True Colours history!


Ahhhhhh this is exciting!  I can't wait to see which name you choose for this dreamboat!  In a week's time, the result will be revealed.

Get voting!


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