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User Interface / Polish

User Interface / Polish


This is the fifth devlog for my game Don’t make me run I’m full of chocolate. This log will have details about the User Interface and Polish.

This week I worked on the user interface, which includes game menus, game options, game over screens and player high scores. I also added some polish to the game, sound effects and added a Two player option.

User Interface

My Main menu screen is seen below. I have set this up using a background image from the Top-Down 2D RPG Assets Pack (Goldmetal, 2021). I then added some simple options for the user.

“Play” – This will take you to the Game Menu

“High score” – This will show you the current High Score

“Quit” – Surprisingly, this will exit the game.

Below is the High score screen. This is made by using a script to save the player’s high scores and the name they have imputed (This will be shown later) and displays them.

Once the player selects the play button, they will be taken to the Game Menu. This gives the player the option of one or two players. Then they are taken to the intro screen. This gives the player a brief introduction to how to play the game before they begin.

Finally, once the player dies, they are either taken to the game over screen or the new high score screen. The new high score screen is triggered if the player earns more than the previous saved high score. If not, they are sent to the Game over the screen.

Local Two Player

Adding a second player was a lot harder as an afterthought. with so many elements interacting with the player, it was more difficult than just adding an extra player and changing their controls. component, such as score, health, and picks all needed reworks. My solution was not elegant but works (most of the time). I have made a copy of all the scripts that interacted with the player and added a 2 after everything.  For example, player health becomes playerHealth2.  

Music and sounds

Adding music was one of the easiest parts of the whole project so far. I added background music and added a script to continue the music playing when changing scenes. Music was a free asset for the unity store (Vertex Studio, 2015).  Next, I added audio for when the chocolate is collected, and the player is damaged by the ghost. Both I got free from the Asset store as well (Olivier Girardot, 2019)


Feedback was generally positive. Menus were straightforward and simple. The music was enjoyed.


Goldmetal. (2021, Feb 10). Top-Down 2D RPG Assets Pack. Retrieved from Unity Assest Store:

Olivier Girardot. (2019, 08 23). Free Sound Effects Pack. Retrieved from Unity Asset Store:

Vertex Studio. (2015, 04 7 ). Absolutely Free Music. Retrieved from Unity Asset Store:




Download Don’t make me run I’m full of chocolate - Game Concept
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