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Progressing update 2

Dzīvības Partikula
A downloadable game for Windows

The "half an hour or so" for making animations turned into 3 hours. Oh well. Exported all of the models and started working on assembling the level in my level editor. 

  • The camera movement speed is way too slow.
  • Transition and movement tools need some sort of an extrusion functionality (like in blender)
  • Copy/pasting would be nice
  • Undo/redo

Since this current editor is more of a prototype, I will not implement these features now, but when I write the proper version of the editor. Putting the level together took about 4 hours. Very not good! Also I had forgotten to add a parameter to transitions that says into which cell they are supposed to go into. Patched that in. Started programming actual gameplay code.

Some problems:

  • There's no way to determine if an animation is being played. Patched that in.
  • There is no event for mouse button presses.
  • It would be good if there was a way to fire an event after an animation ends.

Also it looks like I didn't actually fix the animation code. It's still broken!


After looking into it further, it seems like that I actually did in fact fix the animation code. It's just that if the vertex group list that you define in Blender isn't in the same order as it is in the armature, everything breaks. I vaguely remember predicting this when I was originally writing the model loading code about a year ago, but I didn't do anything about it, since I would've had change the model format after I had already written all of the exporters and importers for it. Anyway, good to know; will probably fix this sometime.

Started working on gameplay logic code, there's still some bugs in how animations and everything is handled, but I think I should have enough time to fix it.

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