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ZLE v.1.1

A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

The first update to this level editor!

What changed?

Well, many things stayed the same but with some bug fixes and new shader editing features. Many small details are added and I will probably forget something but oh well. Here are some of the newest changes in ZLE 1.1 (in no particular order):

  • Shaders can now be used inside the editor with the new shader testing features! You can add any .glsl file as a vertex or a fragment shader into the editor and set it to some object
  • Live uniform modifications! When making a GLSL shader, there are uniforms which are variables that can change from the C++ side even after compilation. This means that you can change for example color and see changes in your shader in real-time without needing to recompile the shader. There is one fixed variable which is time, in case you use uniform time, it will automatically be set as the time (in seconds) since the start of the program. 
  • Auto reloading shaders - when developing a shader in ex. Visual Studio, saving the shader will automatically make ZLE reload it (there is an option for this in the settings). This removes the 1 step of hitting the reload shader button every time you want to view your changes.
  • Layouts - ZLE now has window layout-changing options. There are 4 shader layouts for now which are I hope plenty for most people (Level_layout, Shader_layout, and 2 custom layouts). 
  • Refreshing files and loading file images are now happening in another thread, which makes the level editor operational while it is loading file icons in the background (also there is a file loading progress bar).
  • Save frag. shader as image button allows you to create and export a fixed-size image (takes into consideration all uniforms).
  • Add item button - allows you to add a white 1x1 pixel texture or a test RGB texture (for now).
  • A few settings like saving camera position after exiting the program
  • Green and red lines as X and Y axis.

And more, but that is most of the new changes! Another update coming in a few weeks, hopefully. Until then, these are the newest changes to ZLE! 


  • ZLE v.1.1 657 kB
    Sep 27, 2022
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