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Bombs and Bullets Update 053 Destination Formations

Bombs and Bullets
A downloadable game for Windows

:: BnB ::

dev :: Commander Rad

tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Zeplin, QGIS

web ::

progress ::

+ Flow map work continues

+ Added a repulsive force and basic physics for all units that prevent units from overlapping

- This physics based system seems to be a far easier form of object avoidance than something that is actually dynamic

+ Destination formations are back in (vid)

- There's some jittering that we need to solve, probably by adding some rotational dampening

+ Formations can be made from a mix of entitles of different sizes and they will adjust automatically according to size

- Flow maps and movement are quite the pickle, we're trying to get it to run well with a hundred plus units, but it's a struggle

- Will likely have to limit selection sizes or reduce unit count to achieve smooth gamefeel.

+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:

+ Version 0.07 released and is available here:

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