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September Check-In

A downloadable game

Hey, everybody!

I have nothing to announce except that I'm still alive and well, working on the game. Obviously, it's only been less than a month since the last update, and that probably wasn't in question, but I personally get really bothered when devs neglect to post anything for a long time. Now, however, I myself make games - even though no one plays 'em (which is okay, this isn't a pity plea or something). I can totally get just... forgetting to talk to the internet about what you've done. I've found myself "getting into the groove" over the course of weeks while developing this game, and kind of just forgetting about the world at large in order to make more progress. I figure, though, that I should "be the change" and all that.

Besides, that kind of flow state hasn't been common lately. As I said in my last couple devlogs, school's in session, and that takes up a majority of my time. Additionally, I owe it to anyone who reads these to be completely honest, as I don't have anything else to give - I had a really awful past month, some family stuff happened, yadda yadda, that's personal and you don't care anyway, but long story short, I didn't make any progress whatsoever on the game over the course of three-ish weeks.

Luckily, things are looking up! I've gotten back into a good state of mind, and personal issues have been resolved. School is still going to be a time-sink, and is much more important than this game anyway, but I've gotten the hang of my classes (and finally purchased my textbooks). Finally, the past two days have been productive, to say the least - I've implemented some of the more time-consuming aspects of this next update! If I can keep going at this pace, working in my downtime and keeping a hold of that groove, I think 0.7 could be a massive update. Last time, I said I planned to only port it to a newer version of Godot. Now, though, I'm positive I'll be able to have an actually functioning game, with its main "campaign" completely functional!

0.8 and 0.9 will then likely be content updates, balance patches, and/or bugfixes. I'm planning a whole bunch of gameplay modifiers, like randomizers or challenges. After that, 1.0 will roll out,  and I'll be able to declare this game "finished" and move onto the next thing - probably something smaller, like a 2- to 4-month project. I have no freakin' idea how long 1.0 or even 0.7 will take, but, hey, as long as nothing goes horribly wrong this time, I can tentatively guess that the game will be completed before February 2023.

Please keep your eyes peeled for future posts! I'll try to do a check-in devlog every month that I don't have an update. Once again, THANK YOU to the people that download this game or read these posts, even if (and perhaps especially if) you actually know me.

Toodles! :)

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