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Friday Fury - Basic Level Blocking & Graphics

Friday Fury
A browser game made in HTML5


This Devlog will talk about the basic level blocking and Tilemaps used in Friday Fury. So far the layout and design for each of teh levels has been laid out and further requires enemies and events to fill this space. 

The Tilemaps used in the development of Friday Fury are called the Modern Interiors Pack by LimeZu.

This pack can be found here: 

Below is each of the levels with a short description. 

Lobby (Level 1):

This level has a very simple vertical layout that uses the stairs as wayfinding so that the player is given a hint of where to go.

Level 2:

This level uses similar methods as level 1.  The carpet running off the screen and the open doorways give the player a hint that there is more to see and more evil frogs to kill. 

Level 3:

This is the largest level in Friday Fury. The level makes use of the apartment rooms a lot and creates a very close-quarters combat style for the player in the tight and narrow hallways.  The main hallway carpet has to allow been added as a guide to show the player where to go from the spawn point to the exit point. 

Level 4:

Slightly smaller than the previous level, this area also makes use of tight and narrow spaces. As the player will have to move from room to room to kill all of the frogs. This larger level also makes use of a hallway carpet to guide the player to each corner of the map. Once the evil frogs have been killed the player will need to make their way back to the elevator to more up another level. 

Level 5:

As of yet, the plans for this level are still under development. 

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