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version 0.1.5 "resistance rework"

Path of Achra
A browser game made in HTML5

Lots of polish, bugfixing, and a rework of resistances -- this significantly changes the balance of the game, but will make it easier to parse going forward

  • standing still no longer walks through exits -- ENTER is now reserved for this (and of course, mouse and TAB)
  • redid "action" buttons in Inventory and Powers menu
  • removed all resistance traits
  • resistances are now tied to Culture and your items, each can give you a number of positive resistances
  • added negative resistances (vulnerability)
  • total resistance to each element can be viewed within the Resistances attribute in the Inventory
  • mousing over enemies will show all their specific resistances
  • mousing over enemies in the continent screen will show their attack damage type and resistances (easier to plan your items before a level)
  • golden axe and scutum no longer have a trait, but instead offer a wide spread of resistances
  • All Powers that offered resistance have been reworked

  • Reworked inflexibility - it now ONLY divides your "base" speed (bonus speed from things like Focus is unaffected)
  • reduced the penalty of Encumbrance going over Strength - the Speed / Dodge penalty is now only equal to the difference (used to be the difference x 4)
  • hopefully this will allow some more mixed builds -- going forward, more changes will be made to reward diversity

  • added Flame Cult power, deals fire damage in a line to an enemy when you summon
  • the costs of summon-buffing powers are all reduced
  • Ninhurs' first prayer now heals allies for 100 in a 2 tile range
  • added interior walls to the Astrolith


  • PathofAchra WINDOWS 69 MB
    Sep 19, 2022
Download Path of Achra
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