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Initial release

Remi and the big chill
A browser game made in HTML5

Initial thoughts

Was really happy with the development of the game. It definitly came together like I saw it in my head. Was a great learning experience, extending some of my game development skills. Like all game jams, especially as they are done part time, time was a bit of a pressure.

Big Wins

  • Gained loads of experience on using the Platformer feature of Construct 3. Really enjoy the immersive world you can create, with relatively few assets. Will need more time to master the fine points of the player.
  • Made my own sound effects, really simply. Loved some of the outcomes.
  • The snow generator was initially a problem, as the particles I used, were difficult to interact with. Eventually came up with my own generator using random positions. Was delighted with the outcome.
  • Loved how when cutting down the tree it explodes into the logs. Wanted to do even more with this, like dropping the snow and some bushes, but the complication level was quite high, and time was not on my side. Also just felt the value add to the game, for the energy cost was not worth it, except I would have been delighted.
  • The fog coming in, as you get colder was initially dreadful. Really happy with the improvement, although would love the transitions to be smoother. Perhaps an update.
  • My last game jam, general comments were that I did not give enough input as to how to play the game. I was determined to produce a tutorial to start. Developed a game mechanic I can easily transfer to other games now. Might have gone a bit overboard with the voice overs, but feel the step by step approach has added some value.
  • Enjoyed making the mountains, especially the paths through the rocks. Will definitely play with that more in the future.
  • Creating the variable target sizes on the character was hard, but worth the effort, especially coupled with the calibration.
  • Spent a lot of time getting the snow to pile up correctly. This also affects how quickly you chill. Very happy with the result.

Mistakes or Disappointments

  • My inexperience with the Platformer feature really showed, initially making it too small, then needing to expand, but not having the time to redo it properly. This resulted in a number of Tilemaps being added together really badly. If you know what you are looking for, you can see them through the game. Also really confused me at times.
  • I really wished that some of the animations were better, especially the fire and (* spoiler alert *) the destruction of the snow machine. The indication that the dwell on the character was progressing, I found really disappointing. Just was not how I imagined it.
  • The water just sucks. Period.
  • I did the snowman animations myself from a static image. Was really happy with the results, but you never really see them in the game play as you are too busy pickup up snowballs.

Personal privilege

  • Got two of my kids involved. Samuel did the initial layout and Rebecca did the snow drawings. Was nice to see them employ the skills they have been learning.

Known Bugs

  • If you are busy engaging in an action and get hit by one of the rolling snowballs, you loose touch with the dwell symbol. 
  • The tree hitbox is very large, and if jumping and then doing an action, it leads to mid air chopping, with mixed results.
  • There is a random bug half way up the mountain, where if hit by a rolling snowball, it can force you off the platform. Have no idea how it works and am unable to reliably reproduce it.
  • When receiving the axe, it is a lost moment and needs to be improved on.
  • One log gets stuck in the cave wall
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