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Basic level blocking

A browser game made in HTML5

Basic Level Blocking Devlog

This is the second stage of the DinoTheDinosaur game development, in this state I have developed the basic level of blocking.

Like many platform games, DinoTheDinosaur has only one single level repeat infinity that allows player to get over obstacles to achieve their best score every time they play the game, by achieving level of scores the difficulty of the game is also increased to challenge the player and make the game more enjoyable. At this state, the game layout almost complete with the sky, background, platform, and obstacles. This is being done by using the provided sprites and sliced by Unity sprite editor. 

The platform is created by combined multiples ‘ground’ sprite manually, when the platform is completed, it was duplicated to simulate infinity running effect for the player, same formular is applied for the background (with rock, sky, plants, and cloud). Altogether, those elements created a running Dino. Having feedbacks from the last Peer review, possible improvements for the main character the Dino need to be done so the player cannot cheat the game mechanism by keep pressing spacebar to jump high to avoid all the obstacles. The Dino now could interact with the obstacles, he now will be dragged together with the cactus if the player failed to jump over (in the final state, the game is over if the Dino got hit by any obstacle). This is done by adding BoxCollider2D to the obstacles. In the next stage of development, enemy such as flying dragons will be added to challenge the player and increase the difficulty level for the game, at the same time, the speed of the game is also needed to change to make the game more realistic.

Together with the Dino jumping action, from the peer review, various members of the tutorial group also recommended to fix Dino rotation problem (when Dino got hit by the obstacle, the body of the Dino rotating create unrealistic movements)



Dino’s sprites 

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