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My Time with You[Book 2: Chapter 16 ]

My Time With You
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Chapter 16 - No Secrets

  We're at chapter 16, wow. While I was making this chapter I took a look at Kanehana's idol persona's first appearance in the game back in chapter 3 and compared it to how she looks in the latest chapter and I'm a bit stunned at how bad the initial ones were, even after retexturing. So for those who supported us from when it was that awful; you're incredible, We also appreciate the recent supporters and think they're awesome but come on, look at that. AHA! Take a look, I posted it side by side.

 I took a look at the scenes in the previous chapters that were that rough, remaking the renders and animations would take 30-35 days since there's no writing involved, just remaking all of it, it would also solve the "can't play book 2" problem. But we won't be doing that, or at least not right now for two reasons. One, the best course of action for efficiency is to keep moving until I hit a wall or a block on the creative side of things, so we'll keep pushing unless that happens which is unlikely for the next 10 chapters at least for they're all prepared beforehand. And two, I'm improving as the day goes by, if I keep going back each time I do then it will only slow things down.

  However, I really want to make the earlier chapters' visuals up to par with the recent ones so I'll notify everyone if I start doing so. I could also poke at it while doing newer chapters. Needless to say, we'll keep improving, we'll keep honing our skills for the game and its supporters. 

 A pointer about the chapter. There are multiple choices in this chapter that are quite story-changing and also check out the txt uploaded with it if you're lost.

  It took 24 days to make this chapter, and we went a little off-calendar, but I'm catching up, slowly but surely catching up. We lost a day due to a power outage from a very bad storm. What's odd about the storm is that it let all its rain out in like 2 hours of very intense downpour. It was terrifying at the time(for work reasons). The other extra days were because of procrastination, to explain; I was so concerned with doing this chapter right that I got nothing done. I'll try to do better next time. Anyway, do you know the feeling of closing all tabs/materials or anything related to the work you were currently doing when you finished it? It's too much, feels good.

This chapter is as big if not bigger than the previous one, but we did make it in significantly less time, mostly because the previous one had more going on with group scenes and in the background, causing it to need constant adjustment while this chapter mostly had individual scenes and story progression.

 Chapter 16 contains 18 animations and 1081 renders, so it is up to par with Chapter 15's size.

 Once again, thank you for your support. We couldn't continue doing this if not for you.


  • MTWY Book 2(Ch12-16) - PC/Linux 2 GB
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  • MTWY Book 2(Ch12-16) - Mac 2 GB
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  • MTWY Book 2(Ch12-16) - Android 854 MB
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