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Friday Fury - Player Movement

Friday Fury
A browser game made in HTML5


The player movement for Friday fury keeps it simple and basic with movement that allows the player to move in eight directions in the game. This is done through the use of the WASD keys and depending on the combination of keys the player will either be moving up or down as well as diagonally. This is the base of the movement in Friday Fury and is what the enemy AI movement will be based on.

At this stage, the player can move around the level at a constant speed and stop facing the direction of their last input. In future, a sprint or dodge mechanic would improve the player's movement and how the player plays the game.

The player animation for Friday Fury is made from a custom-made sprite sheet for the player. Which is then sliced up and used to make various animations for all of the different directions the player can face. These animations are then paired with each of the x and y movements for the Player Movement Script. Allowing the game to accurately show the player's movement with the appropriate animation.

Player Movement:

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