is community of indie game creators and players


Week 9

Hands Off/ Hands On
A browser game made in HTML5

This week we've got shooting, enemies, and the first level prototype.  

Tyler was able to complete a major chunk of the shooting and gun mechanics this week. Shooting is done using hit scans, which is best for FPS games as it allows for instant bullet travel, and doesn't simulate every individual bullet (can be very expensive for performance). 

Additionally, weapon swapping is here in a primitive form.  

On firing, we create a ray trace from the gun and find any targets hit, then we can reduce their hp and eventually kill them! Right now there is no feedback to tell you that the enemy has been hit, that will come next.

The guns are designed in code to be reasonably extensible, with modifiable attributes such as fire rate, ammo, damage, and everything in between being exposed to us. Very excited to begin work on some of the spicier guns.  

We also began work on the basic enemy game object. Right now they can navigate our level using Navmesh (love navmesh), and have a very primitive chase script attached.  

He's a bit broken, this should be fixed by a bit of tweaking on the nav mesh agent component, you'll see a similar issue in the following gif.

Finally we have a level prototype playable, and the Navmesh baked quite nicely into it, so surely the enemy will fit right in!   

Yes there is some work to do.  

Over the next week we will begin working on some more gun behaviors, and starting to integrate some of the individual features we've been working on together.


Thanks for reading :)

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