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October 2022 release 1 (22.10_1)

Darskerry Redemption
A downloadable game for Windows

Quite a big release this month, with one particularly major change! The name "Hide and Seek" has been a bit of a working title since the beginning. The game has moved on since its humble beginnings as a simple stealth speedrun game, and a name change has long been in order. Here's the thinking behind the new title, "Darskerry Redemption":

The game takes place on a small island, also known as a "Skerry". "Darskerry" aims to combine the "Dark" nature of the events of the game, with the island environment. The "Redemption" part will become clear, hopefully, as you play the game.

So, I hope you like the name - do let me know, one way or another!

On to the release content, which is pretty significant too!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the alignment issue with Callum and Ivan's Sword.
  • Fixed an issue where "Press E to talk" wasn't appearing for some NPCs.
  • Fixed buried and floating scenery in Meadowvale.
  • Fixed issue where doors would open and close, but not visibly animate.
  • Fixed weird deer transition from grazing to wandering and grazing to flee.

New Features / Enhancements

  • The pub in Meadowville now has a bartender, Little George.
  • New player home, where you'll find some revelations about your character's past!
  • Added a "Readables" feature. This allows objects like books, papers, maps, and markings to be read by the player. This is going to provide the main device for relaying and progressing the story.
  • Added a lot of content around what's now the abandoned "Mortlake Town". Worthy of some exploration, I think!
  • Added flora and fish in Mortlake - why not take a swim and have a look?
  • Added new dialogue and dialogue branches for Sir Giligad and Kanan.
  • Reworked the "Display" and "Performance" options in the pause and main menus. There is now a dedicated "Performance" tab, and a number of options that have a fundamental impact on how the game runs. I recommend starting with the "Balanced" quality setting.
  • Significant work on the performance of the game. I'm now able to get a consistent 60 FPS in Balanced mode on my RTX 2070. Fixing the FPS at 30 in the options should open the game up to much lower-spec PCs. Hopefully, the game plays a lot smoother for you too!
  • I've finally started to extend the main Quest line, and this will be the focus of the remaining releases this year.


  • Updated Unity to 2021.3.11f1
  • Implemented GPU Instancer for terrain details and trees.
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