is community of indie game creators and players


Update 0.4.1

A downloadable game for Windows

Added - Weapon Skins Menu!
Added - Human AI, (these AI will kill players and zombies)

  • Russian Rifle Unit (Standard Ak47 carrying Russian Soldier)
  • Russian Juggernaut (Minigun carrying, bullet spraying, ABSOLUTE UNIT of a soldier, Drop $10,000 on death)

Added - Killfeed Modifiers 

  • No Scopes
  • Penetrates
  • Headshots

Added - weapon inspect by pressing "I".
Added - Control screen to settings.
Added - New Icon for Golden Magnum, UMP, and Deagle.
Added - Audio when a UI button is clicked.

Fixed - Player using walking animation on ATV
Fixed - way to clip out of bounds using the drone. 
Fixed - AI can no longer get within 4 meters of respawn points
Fixed - AI not being able to walk down storm canals 
Fixed - warehouse dock clipping into warehouse office
Fixed - an issue that caused setting screen not to close on menu without pressing back.
Fixed - YouTube button not working on skin and weapon screen.
Fixed - RPG iron sight line up.
Fixed - Drone sounds not using sound settings.
Fixed - Dying while using a drone causing camera issues.
Fixed - AI getting stuck on some staircases.
Fixed - some floors on buildings not flying up properly.
Fixed - crack in sidewalk that shows the underside of the map.
Fixed - AI Getting stuck in in some containers and cars.
Fixed - Heavy Rifle having no model in hand.
Fixed - Heavy Rifle Pickup having render issue.
Fixed - some objects have duplicate collision.
Fixed - shipping containers having wrong impact effect and wrong penetration.
Fixed - some cars, trees, and fences, using wrong impact and penetration.
Fixed - weapon icons having attachments they don't have.
Fixed - weapon icons not having attachments they do have.

Changed - Minimap visual to look better.
Changed - zombies render distance to be slightly further as they go faster now.  
Changed - Suppressed weapons to have smoke effect instead of muzzle flash. 
Changed - Dying while using a drone will destroy the drone as well.

Improved - Network hit registration.
Improved - Client desync Issues.
Improved - AI performance to increase Host FPS


  • 646 MB
    Sep 05, 2022
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