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Player Movements Devlog

A browser game made in HTML5

Dino’s movements Devlog

Dino’s movement is the very first state of DinoTheDinosaur game, at this state Dino’s movements are combined by multiple sprites which are sliced by Unity slice editor and scripts.

At this state, the Dino can only run forward and jump to avoid the cactus (more obstacles will be added in next state of development). Dino can also crouch to avoid obstacle in some scenarios that jumping is not a good idea to get over the obstacles. To create and rolling background with sky, rocks, and the clouds, the ‘moveleft’ script is created to generate such movement to make the game more realistic. In the script, the ‘start’ and ‘end’ point is variable which can be edited to create infinity loop to make it look like the Dino is running.

By using Unity slice editor combined with C# script, I was able to enable Dino’s simple animation (jumping and rolling the screen to create running effects). To archive this, the Rigidbody2D is added to the Platform, as well as the Dino with adjusted gravity scale to create gravity effect (Dino will be dragged down if he jumps too high to make the game more realistic). The Dino’s movement responding to player inputs (space bar for jumping and down button for crouch), such inputs are controlled by C# script.

At this beginning state, there are some missing features and minor issues are found by peer review such as Dino’s speeding cannot be changed, Dino may jump too high out of the screen boundary, enemies and sound effects are not implemented. All those issues will be fixed or added in the next development state. There are some positive feedbacks from the peer review state that the reviewers are enjoy the look and feel of the game and expect to see a better version in the next peer review.

Dino's jumping animation


Dino’s sprites 


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