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Version 0.5

Venire, Videre, Vincere
A downloadable game for Windows

Buckle up, this is a big one!

If you're interested, this YouTube timelapse shows a good summary of the new features.

Version 0.5:

  • Notable Changes:
    • Created a Sandbox Panel, which can be shown and hidden with the "H" key. In this Sandbox Panel, you can:
      •  Paint various kinds of terrain as the game is playing (or fill it in with a paint bucket) - there are nice icons for each terrain type, and a Paintbrush cursor when painting. Civilizations also become transparent when you're painting, for ease of visibility of the terrain.
      • Save the map(if it was edited), meaning there is now an effective map editor in VVV!
      • Save scenarios - the game saves the territories of every civilization, as well as all wars, alliances and vassals, and allows you to reload it, allowing for repeatable scenarios(at some point I will certainly make such timelapses on my YouTube channel...)
      • Painting Civilizations' Territories - Using a brush or fill bucket method, with left click a civilization's territories are added, and with right click they are removed(believe me, I created the Roman Empire at its full extent several times now :) )
      • Look at Civilization information and change their technology level - this is much like in the old version when you click on a Civilization.
      • Handle boring things like going back to the Main Menu or Reloading the Game(doesn't work with scenarios)
      • Customize a Civilization's information in-game (their name, demonym, strength, etc.)
    • Created a sort of "Spawning Menu", which can be shown by right-clicking on territories. It has the following functionality:
      • If the territory right-clicked on is unoccupied, you can spawn a random or custom civilization in that territory
      • If the territory right-clicked on is occupied and you have selected a civ, you can make the selected Civilization vassalize or ally the owner of the territory(or break these agreements if they already have them) - this is good for producing more interesting scenarios(e.g. a web of alliances or an empire with many vassals)
    • Added two new methods of "Collapse" for a Civilization if it is sufficiently large(at least 1000 territories):
      • It can split into two, either East-West or North-South, depending on the dimensions of the empire.
      • Up to 10 1-territory "Splinter States" will appear in the Civilization's territory, declaring war on it. Since the Civilization is destabilized AND the number of wars affects its strength, these may wreak havoc on it.
    • To make it easier to observe these methods of Collapse(or just wreak havoc for the fun of it - I've done so many times), a "Collapse" Button has been added, which sets the Civilization's Stability to 0%, with all the consequences that entails.
    • Added customizable "Vassal Namings" - bored of every vassals being named e.g. "British Rome"? Well don't you worry, because now, when a Civilization is vassalized, it is renamed in accordance with these Vassal Namings - no more "British Rome", say hello to the "British Dominion of Rome". This also works for random Civilizations(and the pool of Random Vassal Names can be customized as well)
  • Rebalancing:
    • Number of territories no longer affects research speed as much
    • When war exhaustion is gained and is above 100%, the remainder will be subtracted from Stability instead
    • 0.1% war exhaustion is gained per each war a civilization is fighting in
    • When a Civilization is allied with two civilizations that go to war and joins one side, it will break the alliance with the other civ
    • Defenders now have 2x power in Forests, 3x power in hills, and 5x power on mountain terrain when fighting in a battle
    • Changed defensive power from 2x to 3x when a civ is attacked coastally
    • When attacking, difference in technology now makes a difference for the attacker again
    • All civilizations' battle strength will be divided by the number of wars, attacking OR defending
    • In terms of expansion, rather than being limited by the distance from their capital, civilizations are now limited by the difference in y coordinates from that of the capital - this is to simulate different latitudes supporting different crops and making it more difficult to adapt
    • Battle strength depends upon war exhaustion AND stability in a 50-50 proportion.
    • If a Civilization has vassals, it'll be less likely to declare war, so as to increase the chance that it'll integrate them.
    • Battles no longer increase research progress
    • Redid the supply system, making harsh terrain(Mountains, Desert, Snow) much worse to supply, but NOT affect supply if it is neighboring a territory
    • When losing territory in battle, defenders will gain war exhaustion based on the proportion of land to their total land. For instance, if a civilization has 500 territories, losing 1 territory will incur 0.002 war exhaustion, but if it has e.g. 10, losing a territory will incur 0.1 war exhaustion!
    • Civilizations no longer call their allies when declaring war, but instead only call in their vassals, but may pull their allies in later on
    • Re-added the ability for border exclaves to be instantly removed - this nicely prevents unpleasant "dots" all across the map belonging to a Civilization
    • When a civilization collapses and its territories recede, coastal territories will also be lost
    • When a civilization is destabilized, it will not send out ships to explore/expand coastally
    • To prevent large amounts of breakaway states with the same name, if one state vassalizes another with the same name, it is 10x more likely to integrate it
  • Removals:
    • With the map now being editable and saveable ingame, the "Custom map from image" system is redundant, so has been removed.
  • Other Changes:
    • Simplified the naming system to be a little less weird
    • Added a "Grasslands" world generation type, which just generates grass, as in the very old versions of VVV
    • In the starting menu, there is now no minimum amount of civilizations you can have to play the game(you can have just one civ, or you can have zero and add your own!)
    • Civilizations that are allied and at war now break their alliance


  • Version 0.5 15 MB
    Sep 08, 2022
Download Venire, Videre, Vincere
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