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Undefeated - Round Two (0.2.0)

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

(Cover Art by @MegaWaffle)

Round Two is out now.

This one has been in the works for a little bit, and I appreciate the patience on this release. The writing for it has been done for some time, but I wanted to give Round One some time to breathe, and I wanted to make sure that Round Three's writing was a little further along so there would be less time to wait between now and its release.

I have to admit, this update might be a bit slower compared to Round One or Three, simply because it rounds out the end of the first act. It's a bit more emotional and less action-oriented than the last chapter, but hopefully it helps create a more complete experience with the story we have so far.

Round Two has my favorite scene hands-down, though, so I hope you look forward to that. Very fun to write, which was kind of the whole point of this project.

If you have any questions, concerns, comments, grievances, or recipes, please feel free to reach out on Twitter (@Undefeated_VN) and I'll do my best to answer (so long as nothing gets spoiled along the way).




  • Windows Build v0.2.0 98 MB
    Sep 06, 2022
  • Android Build v0.2.0 97 MB
    Sep 06, 2022
  • Mac Build v0.2.0 81 MB
    Sep 06, 2022
  • Linux Build v0.2.0
    Sep 06, 2022
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