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#1 - Post launch and NIGHT STRIKE

A downloadable asset pack

I wasn't expecting this kind of buzz on my silly little map pack. But I've been absolutely astounded by the views and downloads and it caught me off guard. I knew this was something special when I started this project and I happy you all are coming with. I mean this genuinely, thank you for checking out my humble little project. It means a lot to me.

Anyway sappy stuff aside I wanted to check in and give you all an update on the project. It is being worked on, right now! I've actually taken a break from the drawing tablet to write this devlog. The "Late Spring" maps are still on target to be released before the end of this year. I wouldn't be surprised if its sooner but I'm not in a position to guarantee anything outside of my soft deadline of before the End of 2022.

I'm in the process of inking the 4th map in the map pack: NIGHT STRIKE! 

This one is going to open "Chapter 2" of the Wallflower combat missions and if the DM is going strictly off of the combats in the book, it'll also be the first time the players see any structures from the colony itself. Everything else prior to this point has been in the forests or from non-colony buildings. This is important to me cause it's time to set a consistent style for Evergreen buildings. Wallflower's art and descriptions give off a "Prefab stacking blocks" look and feel. Their buildings are printed out in little blocks and stacked on top of each other. Lots of rounded corners and pylons. I personally imagine plastic work shelves mixed with little "Hamster tubes" kind of aesthetic. 

 I've started to build on that with what I'm considering a farm house over here. These structures will be getting some more detail. I want them to have a mixture of "pristine and corporate" and "lived in". 

Something else I'm excited to show off are all the "prefab" emplacements. At the time of the fiction in Night Strike, the enemies catch our players off guard. NPC's had little time to set up effective defenses and are instead relying on simple printed defenses.

Haphazardly placed along the road of course. I'm mainly because it gives me a good excuse to copy and paste map details around. Because that's what I imagine actually happened. They quickly printed out the most basic bunkers they could and set them up as quickly as possible.

That concludes this dev log for now. Outside of these posts, I share more frequent updates and progress pics on my Twitter:
And while its by no means consistent, but I've been experimenting with streaming art and general battlemap progress over at Twitch, including these Wallflower ones:

Thank you all for reading and I'll see y'all soon with a new update!

~ Void


  • 42 MB
    Aug 23, 2022
  • 131 MB
    Aug 23, 2022
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