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V0.05.0 The flesh zone and life stuff EDITED

Renamon VS creatures
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Fixed flesh pod enemies disappearing when re-triggering the burst event

Camp fires and zone transition areas should now remove all effects from the slime and flesh zones to prevent cross contamination

A quarantine is placed on the digivice teleporter when effected by mobs in zones to prevent spread of corruption 

Fixed typo or two

Nerfed crit rates on damage rings

nerfed star damage a wee bit

Added a couple lust moves 

Lust bar implemented 

Added a sort of skip mechanic, the crystal in the starting zone SHOULD put you at a point inventory wise akin to where you would be when you first enter a zone. This is a sort of band aid fix for the issue of not being able to carry over saves.

Finally got around to implementing the new zone, however small it may be at the moment. its nothing special, no new moves or mechanics. Really the only thing there is a new enemy but with this update comes a bunch of the code base prepared so i can work on the more juicy bits faster when i do.
Green slime can now be a pet. he good boi.
Couple new areas
Teleporter available in the digivice after beating big boi boss slime. will send you to the beginnings of zones provided they are unlocked.
Slime clones will now appear on their own after beating the original slime wall. maybe a special scene for them in the future.
Single new enemy in flesh zone.
Revisions to a few sets of code. 
For now the water puddle in the flesh zone removes the starfish from the rena.

Hopefully the new enemies arrent pushovers but also not too hard. thats what this early update is for though i suppose, so i can fix a few things before i lose access to my PC for a while. I probably wont be able to get new content into the game until next month but ill try to get bugfix updates out soon if i have to. in a week or two i wont be able to use my computer for probably at least a week, maybe two after that.

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