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version 0.1.3 "summoner's boon"

Path of Achra
A browser game made in HTML5

Added a targeting system mostly to make it so you can use ALT to set your target and press TAB without having no control over which "closest" enemy you were hitting

  • player now has a "targeted" unit
  • the closest enemy gets set as your target, if you have none
  • attacking an enemy with mouse sets it as your target
  • or press ALT to cycle target through enemies in range
  • TAB always attacks the target now, not the closest unit

Some changes to make teleporting less spammy, and the "damage in a line" effects now actually walk around walls and make cooler paths

  • made teleport always apply Stasis, which prevents teleportation for 5 turns
  • added "damage in path" to Electrokinesis and Cosmic Shield retaliation damage
  • Cosmic Shield adds Defense dice too
  • Fire Chant is on game turn
  • Mind Knight no longer penalized by inflexibility
  • Mind Knight adds psychic resist

Two powers to test what it's like having an ally's base stats scale on WIL, also now that stats can be raised permanently and directly, added that as an event to be used later, with the purple flame animation to indicate stats have been raised

  • added Invigoration, a life power that raises life and armor of allies
  • added Innervation, an astral power that raises accuracy and damage of allies
  • added Master Repulsion, a psychic power that gives you flat damage and protection based on # of Repulsion effects

Notable added the Golganth, which makes use of direct stat-raising to deal progressively more damage as it kills units

  • Golganth, an early enemy that heals and becomes more powerful when it kills units
  • Chimera Beetle, another mid-game enemy with high armor that does lots of adjacent elemental damage
  • Violet Demon with "Static" and Astral Dancing (this one should be really painful)


  • PathofAchra WINDOWS 69 MB
    Sep 01, 2022
Download Path of Achra
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