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News Update: Reworked Demo and First Update

Cyber Rift
A downloadable game

First off want to say welcome to all the new patrons! We've had a rough go of it the past few months with artist breaking his arm and my gallbladder surgery, but we're getting back into action again. Currently progress wise we have most of the reworked build sorted but we're still focused on ensuring each of the pieces are working. We also originally intended on adding a few new pieces of art to the build specifically in the form of a view of the ship outside in space, a new intro sequence, a generator room and brand new character expressions. Since we don't want to keep pushing dates back we'll be giving patrons access to a rougher version of the build once it's ready (also to fans who purchased on itch) in the next two weeks hopefully (once it's stable it'll be straight to Newgrounds and have a public version on Itch available!)

(Concept for Fae's Lab)

Now for the update and what we're planning for it. We've currently gotten to the full rough draft phase of the update, which means that once we're happy with the edits we can start putting it into the build. We already have two new finished backgrounds for both Fae's lab and also a new bathroom area that we'll be expanding upon as the game progresses. What we're aiming for is to have a whole new minigame which player can use to get currency. Why have currency without things to buy? Well to answer that: you're gonna be able to buy things with a brand new shop interface and inventory to store it in. Since this is a pretty ambitious feature we're gonna be doing a lot of testing with it, but the goal is to be able to buy items for each of the characters and potentially some spicy pinups that we'll keep adding to as the game progresses. 

(old version of universe map)

One aspect of the game that we really haven't been happy with is the universe map, and although the original concept version looks neat, it doesn't quite work for what we're aiming for. Unfortunately it's a bit early for details, but all the future locations on the map will be able to be seen (without details since they're still being made!) and you'll be able to see the full scope of the game. It'll have some semblance of actual galaxy shape, where currently the design is just slapping all of them on a space background the new version will have proper celestial orbits so the systems have some sense with them. We're still developing the new version, but we'll be keeping you guys in the know as we get a bit further.

Lastly we released the current version to Newgrounds as we wanted to get some more feedback as well as show some new people our game and the reaction has been pretty good so far! Obviously we need to work on the length of the game through updates but we are extremely happy with the feedback we've been getting on the current build. Patrons can look forward to a new pinup hopefully by the end of the month assuming our artist is fully healed, and ideally we'll have the reworked version playable by then as well. That's all for now, and we'll keep you guys posted on what's next!

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