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The Last of the Bugfixans

Tower of Kalemonvo
A downloadable masterpiece for Windows and Linux

Jesus Kalemonvodev, ANOTHER PATCH? ALREADY?
yeah yeah I know I said I'll pace my releases better instead of releasing things in batches like this, but hey I needed to get all these bugfixes shipped!
Main news here is short and sweet: got another Demo Day, uh, well right, right now(!) and I wanted this patch to be ready for that. No flashy features, but a bunch of visual improvements and bugfixes. Also, I got a UI artist helping out now! Things should start looking more professional starting these days.

Firstly, BLOOD. Lots of it! Organic creatures (read as: no undead) now explode in a bloody mess when killed. The bigger the enemy, the more blood! Very cool. It also stays on the ground permanently. Revisit your bloodiest messes to your heart's content.

Next up, a new spell! No spoilers here, let's just say it's matrix inspired. Find it starting in the Upper Halls!

As mentioned, more UI art and features. The Orbs got a makeover that a compressed gif won't do justice. Check it out! Don't like the new effects and prefer having them be still? There's an option in the menu for that.

Lastly, the bugs. The bugtracker counts around 40, but the main offenders are:

-You can now hold right click to cast spells properly!
-Fixed invisible bloodlust effects
-Improved performance with regards to spawning books
-Greatly improved inventory feels. Prevented a lot of issues that would create a "slippery" inventory.
-You can now drag the inventory items properly
-Resolved issues with hotkeys when the game is paused
-Improved range enemy AI when the player would be at or close to their maximum attack range
-Fixed player sometimes freezing when casting and attacking simultaneously
-Greatly improved the ability to pick items off the ground while moving, without accidentally dropping them immediately after
-Solved issue with loading where the floor texture would disappear
-Solved some issues with the UI buttons not closing tabs properly
-Solved Cultist AI walking to player position when they would lose sight of him. They will now try to approach closer, without immediately getting in your face
-And many more

If this patch proves to be stable enough, expect the next one around Halloween with the long awaited new level, wand fixes, new UIs and a lot more. As always, the patch should be up in 5 or so minutes from this post.

Take care gamers

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