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Man, that took a while.

The Depths of a Grudge
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

I made the choice to have custom textboxes in the VN.

I thought it would look unique.

What ensued was an entire night of trying to figure out why the text box was very out of position.

Dramatic retelling aside for a moment, custom text boxes always give games that unique feel to them.
I'm a sucker for character-specific ones, in particular. So, thinking "hey I can do that", I open up clip paint studio, drag the original text box ui image into it for the canvas dimensions, and get to making.

The first result looks pretty good, but the text is now off center.
I'm sat on discord to Catsket, going "?????!!!!!!!!". They tell me about what_ and who_x/ypos and so I sit trying them out. But nothing works. I realize the text isn't off center, the box is just missing the other ui - the nameplates and the quick menu bar.

So, I add them. Spruce up the color a bit, try to give it that unified design look! Since the default names and quickbar dont seem to have backgrounds, I add them to textboxes. All seems good! The narration text box works, it fits nicely, but then....

Disaster. It's now off-screen, broken in a different way.

Ew, gross, no, no thank you buddy.

I sit here fiddling with the coding, trying different combinations of who and what and pos and align and nothing. Absolute jack shit. It seems to magnetize to either the top of the screen or below the bottom of the screen.

At this point, it's been a couple hours since I made that fateful choice to customize the ui...

Then it's 3 hours. I finally get it. I've spent hours banging my head against a keyboard in a futile attempt to get this working and finally...


The coding I needed to make it work was... honestly a nightmare of bruteforcing positions, but here it is:

Download The Depths of a Grudge
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