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Bits of stuff

A downloadable game


Had a couple of weeks of good progress, especially this Bank Holiday weekend. And it's that kind of progress where you see things coming together or improving instantly, which is the good stuff :) 

So, what have I been doing? Mostly work in the third area of the game (note I'm not telling you the names of these areas, as those would be spoilers in themselves) setting up interactive items in terms of their start state and what happens when you use them, adding the dialogue in for these items as well as the alternate versions for using item A before B and B before A, and the outcomes of at least one item - just opening a door, but now it's working it's easily repeatable elsewhere.

All fundamentals really, but it feels good to get them in and working after spending so long on basic dialogue and movement stuff. And I've done a lot more, so cue the list...

  • Got the initial cutscene in the second area to play through to completion
  • Tweaks to some NPCs so they turn to look at you when speaking
  • Fixed a bug with NPC 'barks' by just making them dialogue instead 
  • Updated doors with some more useful functions 
  • Fixed a bug with the player still animating on the spot after interacting with something

And loads of other minor tweaks and fixes!

So feeling in a good place at the moment. My next set of tasks is mostly filling out the content in that third area, and getting in the accompanying dialogue logic. As this is the first main 'exploration' area, it's a test for me that I can set up all the interactive elements and link them to the dialogue without too much hassle. It will also give me an idea how long a single area will take to set up in this way, which will allow me to guesstimate the same for the remaining areas and work out an end date.

Bye for now!  Tony

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