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Progress for 0.7.5 and back from vacation

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Hey everyone!
It's the start of a new week and I'm feeling good and rested. Had a great vacation and an awesome time away. Got a surprising amount of activities into the last 4 days and I'm happy to be well rested and good to go for more work!

0.7.5 is going to be a bit before it's completed, as I'm starting now instead of last week, but there should be some quick progress on it I think . Starting with today, I plan to work on a new Naoto Sex scene and finishing her story for Persona H. I also plan on touching up the designs to one of the previous sex scene, there is a poll currently available on the discord to anyone interested,

To completely finish off the 0.7 series of updates, I want to do one last brush over everything and just make sure all the basics are working and iron out a few of the odd bugs here or there. I'm not sure if 0.7.5 will be the last update in the 0.7 updates or not, but I will try for that!

After that, and moving forward to 0.8, I'm going to change my format a bit. Every update has been singled around a girl and that girl becomes the main focus for the entire update.

Well, with 0.8 I plan to focus on the group and round out some cool new features for them all. I hope to breathe new life into the game and round out the basic mecahnics better. I'm also not sure if I will go this route or not yet, but I was thinking of overhauling the Inventory system. I made a typical mistake when originally designing it, and it's causing some roadblocks for me now. So the logical thing ot do is to tear it down and recreate it better, and that way it's more modular for future updates.

Anyway, I'm still in 0.7, not 0.8. So I will worry about those things later when I get there, for now it's time to work on Naoto!

If you are curious about progress and want to see what I"m working on, then come visit the discord! We are close to 500 memebrs now, which is insane! It's growing a lot and I'm having a lot of fun on there.

Alright, here is to a productive and awesome week!

Talk soon,


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