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Scene Requests and Minor Life Intrusion

Cabin by the Lake
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

TLDR: I'ma be taking it slow this week, the next full release will be spread out over 5, maybe 6 parts instead of the usual 4. This will give me time for necessary dental work and actually doing my tax return. 

Next up, in the world of scene requests. It is time, Bonded tier patrons send me your desires! As usual I will try to put them directly in the game, failing that it will be a dream sequence that may eventually be moved into the game.

Second part of scene requests, this is something I'd also like to make room for going forward. Part of what makes Cabin by the Lake special is that every choice and interaction are all more of less unique. I try to cover a decent variety of responses, even ones that don't go anywhere. But I can't help but wonder, in a certain scene: "What if I asked this?". After all you are playing MC, you should be in control! So down in the comments if you've got a scene anywhere that you've just got to know what happens when you say [blank] lay it out. I'll comb through and pick the best ideas for it and do what I can.

Now for the standard life stuff.

One of the downsides about having a job you love, is that you can always tell yourself that you're going to work on that fun part today. If I put off figuring out how to do a half Patreon / Full Time Job with split expenses as a sole trader tax return... well I could probably fit a whole extra scene into this release... And it's still work!

So what it comes down to is that I just need to dedicate some time to the unsexy tasks in all this. After all not doing my tax return will literally cost me several thousand dollars that I'd really rather commit to the game. But I always figured there was time to slot it in, do bits and pieces here and there.

Then I went and got a nasty chip on one of my molars. Nothing major, more annoying than anything else... but if you don't take care of your mouth your whole face will pretty much rot off. You know, probably. That's why I've got full health insurance including dental! But these things combined put a nice rush on this stuff, I can't put if off anymore. This does mean though that there will be a little less time for development over the next week or so, which is sad. Not no development... you couldn't keep me away from this stuff, just a bit less and I want my releases to be chock full of stuff.

So I'm going to take the time to take care of myself quickly and efficiently so I can get back to what I love, pleasing all of you!

- Love Nunu


  • Cabin By The Lake 0.11d Mac
    Aug 15, 2022
  • Cabin By The Lake 0.11d PC 302 MB
    Aug 15, 2022
  • Cabin By The Lake 0.11d Android 283 MB
    Aug 15, 2022
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