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Initial commit

A downloadable game

So for the mega game jam 2022 I have decided to go with a shadow version of the character that is inverted

I want to create a 2.5d side scroller with a unique twist:

single or two player 

use second player or control other character directly to solve puzzles


Story wise I'm thinking that for some reason the protagonist has had their shadow separated from them and they have to work with their shadow to recombine (or something)

I've only got 5 days to complete this as the weekend I won't be available to work on the project so trying to keep scope small

Day 1 -- 

Made the single and two player controller

made some simple AI

created a spline for the character to follow so that it's not so flat

camera system to follow both players and to stop characters from going too far from one another

character selection feature

collectables that track with game instance

Still a lot to do, 

will focus on visuals once I've got the gameplay sorted

Built to share what the system looks like above, please see below

Download AsAboveSoBelow
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