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Game Concept

Wizards From Other Planes
A browser game made in HTML5

Wizards From Other Planes

Game concept

In wizards from other planes the player will be playing as a wizard who while testing his teleport spell has accidentally transported himself to a seperate plane of existence and while have to fight off many strange creatures while he regains enough power to atempt to teleport back.  As the player kills more creatures their wizard will gain experience allowing them to unlock new and stronger spells or generic upgrades to fight back the ever increasing number and difficulty of creatures


WFOP will be a rougelite mainly drawing gameplay inspiration from games such as vampire survivors and 20 minutes till dawn. Death is permenant and will require a restart but every play through of the game will be unique as the unlocks will be randomized which would make it fit into the rogue lite genre.

Concept creation process

The concept of WFOP was created by looking through all the games I enjoy and narrowing them into a small selection of ones that could be essentially recreated in a smaller scale while still having its own theme in the time I have remaining in the semester. A game I played a fair bit of and enjoyed recently is one named vampire survivors, it's a very simple top down rogue-lite and I would be able to recreate its core gameplay loop in my own unique setting.

Audience/Competitive analysis.

The target audience for WFOP will be people who are interested in roguelite games but more specifically people who are interested in game similar to vampire survivor. It would be a good game for a more casual audience as each game will have a time limit before you win and every game is unique so it'll be good for people who just want to pick up and play 1 round now and then without having a serious time commitment. Roguelites are already a popular genre and vampire survivors has sold millions of copies so there is proof that there is a solid audience for this game.



Movement will just be simple 360 degree movement using WASD in realtime


Combat will be casting spells when they are off cooldown, it is not yet decided how spells will be aimed. You will either be autocasting spells at the nearest enemy in vampire survivor fashion or they will be cast in the direction of the mous in 20 minutes till dawn fashion.

Level ups

On enemy death they will drop an experience orb that you will need to either walk over or depending if you've upgraded your collection range or not simply walk near them. Levels will take an exponentially increasing amount of experiece to level up. When you level up the game will pause and you will be given three choices, each choice can either be: a new spell, level up a spell already selected or a non-spell upgrade

example of the level up selection.


When you select a spell on level up it will be added to the collection of spells the player character can cast and take up a spell slot, you have a currently undecided amount of spell slots (probably between 6 and 8). Each spell will deal different amounts of damage, have a seperate cooldown and have different purposes. Leveling a spell up will increase its damage and in some cases change how the spell works.

The current list of spell ideas are:

  • Arc: Shoot out a bolt of  lightning which will chain between nearby enemies, levels will effect amount of chains and damage
  • Groud slam: Slam the ground sending out a wave of terrain, levels will effect damage and AoE
  • Flame wall: send out a moving wall of fire that will ignite enemies dealing damage over time, levels will effect damage and ignite duration
  • Ice nova: A circle of ice expands out from the player, levels will effect damage and AoE

Upgrades will be non spell options on level up, these will mostly just be basic stat upgrades such as: health up, movement speed up or collection range. When the maximum amount of spell slots have been filled and all spells are max level these will be the only option on level up

Game end

The game will end when the players life reaches 0 and dies or when time limit has been reached. Time limit has not yet been decided but will be somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes.


Enemies will spawn off screen so that the player cant see them spawn, they will move towards the player at differing speeds depending on what type of enemy. Every minute a new type of enemy will start spawning increasing in difficulty until the game ends, different types will have different amounts of health and move at different speed along with having different sprites.


The story will most likely not be expanded any further than what was described in the game concept


The UI will be very basic, it will simply show what spells you have and their level, what upgrades you have and their level, your kill count, exp bar and timer.


The two main influences of WFOP are Vampire Survivors and 20 Minutes Till Dawn