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Mechalike QnA

A browser game made in HTML5

For anyone wondering, this is a basic QnA for the game of Mechalike

Q: Why is there no visible health bar for the boss?

A: Because it's more fun to not know when you are about to win (and makes it less sad if you don't know how close you were to winning).

Q: What is Mechalike?

A: Mechalike is an RPG Bullet Hell game that supposedly has a lot of storytelling, action, and adventure!...but youonly to benly be able to play the end of it, which is the final boss of the game.

Q: Why is this game focusing on a boss fight?

A: Part of the theme of a game jam.

Q: Why is it called "Mechalike" and not something else?

A: I didn't want to name the game "Final Boss" or something like that. Since the game was about only playing the final boss of a supposed action-packed adventure, I knew the name must have been for a full game. But naming things is not my strong suit. I just decided to put "Mecha" for technology, as it is a major theme for the skipped part of the game, and slapped "Like" at the end, like "Rougelike" (despite it not having any roguelike elements).

Q: Is there a story to Mechalike, or just random?

A: There is a story involving the protagonist in a dystopian future world against a sentient television covered with electric goo, but I want to keep the story secret for now. Besides, it's fun for people to stop to wonder how any story ended up like this.

Q: Why did you choose a "Cuphead" style for the characters and animation?

A: First of all, it's a 1930's style, not a "Cuphead" style. I greatly respect and admire Cuphead, but their style is from 1930s animation. Anyways, second of all, I wanted to try something different rather than pixel art. I think it turned out nicely, but I could had made it smoother.

Q: Do the characters have names?

A: Yep. The final boss's name is Telly (the Television General), and the protagonist's name is L**** (Keeping it a secret for now)

Q: Is this all there is to the game?

A: For now, yep...but this isn't even a fraction of what I wanted to do, but I choose quality over quantity for this game jam, a choice I hoped worked out. There is a lot in the cutting room that I want to bring into one final version.

Q: What will you add?

A: Five new ranged weapons, a melee attack, a small in-game shop, "soul" hearts, more boss attacks, boss transformations, an ending to the story, and a story within the story (why is the glitch happening in the first place?).

Q: Will this be a different game, or updated to this game, or...?

A: It will be updated. I'll have a way for anyone who cares to play the original version within the game.

Q: Bugs...?

A: Will squish them.

Q: How long would this take?

A: As long as it needs. I had to rush parts before the deadline for the game jam. Now I can take as long as I want to make it just right.

Q: Will there be more characters?

A: Yep. There will be more characters, more boss moves, and more work for me for the animation...More animation. MORE ANIMATION!!! M O R -

Q: Why did you write a QnA anyways?

A: ...

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