Posted August 23, 2022 by Revolver Softworks
#update #DEPTH #revolver softworks #wherehaveyoubeen?
It has been 78 days since the last update to DEPTH, and there's no real good reason for me to have taken such a long ass time to post anything regarding this, but i'd like to atleast state out there for anybody wondering; DEPTH is still being worked on.
i took a """short""" break from development, i mean, who wouldn't, i had just finished college and, after working my ass off to get this thing out within such a short time FOR college, it was only necessary i leave it for a while.
and by the time i got back into the mindset to work on it again; a heatwave struck. TWICE. but hey, it's gone now, i can resume.
(side note: VR support is a pain in the ass! but i've got progress! it's still gonna come, no matter how difficult unreal makes it.)
i really don't have much to say regarding progress, as i've been in the mindset of rewriting the entire ai code and almost the whole game and how it'll play out, there's some experimenting going on in the meantime too, with some new mechanics and such and such, but what i can show to you is the environment!, oooo~
(and this too i guess)
so yeah, apologies for silence, "everything" is being worked on, and as far as i know, it's quite far from being done, so, in the mean time, enjoy the other horror games on itch! they're absolutely fantastic pieces of work by other devs.
see you soon!