Release Alpha V0.3.0
A new version of LOS is now available. Here is the list of changes:
- Added farmland tile used for farming
- Vegetables can now be grown in farmland tiles. A right click with a seed on the farmland tile plant a vegetable
- Seeds can be harvested during vetetables grown. There are six vetetable growing states: If user destroy the vetetable during states 0 to 2 he will get 1 seed, during state 3 to 4 he will get between 2 and 3 seeds, and at full maturity it gives the vetetable
- Growing time of each vegetable now depends of planet. Some vegetable prefer high temperatures, other prefer low temperatures.
- Added composter used to transform vegetables to seed
- It is now possible to use pots to change the world tiles. A right click with a pot change the tile
- Pots can be crafter using a pottery wheel
- There are 7 type of pots: grass, sand, stone, snow, path, farmland, lava
- Placing an invalid pot has direct effects on the tile. For example, using a water pot in volcanic planet has not effect, water is automatically evaporated. Another example is about lava: if a water pot is used in glacial planet it is automatically transformed in ice due to low temperatures.
- All entities can now swim. They are not blocked anymore by water, quicksand, or lava
- It is now possible to enter in hangar. It generally contains resources linked to space exploration or spaceship crafting (e.g electronic components, industrial assembler, etc)
- Spaceships can be build on planet ground. A right clisk on spaceship allows taking-off
- Added snow piles in frozen plains. Snow can be used to craft snow pot.
- Added particles on volcanic vents
- Spaceships can now take-off from everywhere. Hangar or beacon is not anymore required. This update makes easier space exploration
- Beacon is now used to define the planet spawning point. It is very useful to define a landing area for spaceships
- Buildings and houses built by user are not anymore populated by furnitures. By default they are empty.
- Player can now build whatever he wants in villages when the maximum number of building has been reached. He can also destroy any house.
- Seeds can now be found in ruins or farms
- Fix chat windows lag when several characters where sent at the same time