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Cave Crawlers
A downloadable game

Flint and Steel: Holding, or pressing F will now pull out and hit flint and steel together, that currently has a 77% chance to cause sparks and light to appear and fade quickly. Very useful if the player runs out of torch duration.

Talent Cooldowns: Added VISUAL talent cooldowns with their name, a timer bar, and their icon

Mob Bestiary: Killing a mob causes a mob encounter. If you have already encountered a new mob you have not seen before, you will get a popup telling you that it has been revealed in your mob bestiary. You gain the bestiary entry of bosses as soon as you get to the floor. This is to allow the player to read the boss description before beginning the fight. MOB ATTACKS, DESCRIPTION, BIOME, NAME, NUMBER KILLED, AND LOOT DROPS can all be seen in the mob bestiary.

Item Info: Looking at an item in the game world for longer than half a second will pop up an item info panel on your screen. Changed item info to look a lot more concise and readable, as well as being smaller.

Player Movement: Added player JUMPING AND PRONING, with sounds to accompany them where we saw fit! You can not attack, use items, or pick up and drop items while prone.

UI: Added a player statistics screen at the end of the game that displays a bunch of cool values. Fixed multiple UI elements and functionality to be way easy to modify.

Player Level: The player now has levels, and is NOT tied to any saved characters. The amount of xp required to level up currently is your current level multiplied by 1000. Players gain xp by looting chests, killing mobs, progressing to new floors, and massive amount of xp for killing bosses. All xp gained in the game session is muliplied by 125% when the player uses an extraction. You gain two talent points every time you level up. When the player reaches level 60, a prestige button will appear at the bottom of the talent tree. Prestige: Prestiging sends the player back to level 1, and removes all talents and talent points.


  • 40 MB
    Aug 18, 2022
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