is community of indie game creators and players


The Internet!

A downloadable Operating System

Origin now has its own internet!

To Make A Website:

Open Origin Studio (a dark red Origin Logo (Documents > Utilities) and type ".OWDL" on the second line (this will tell the file it is a Origin Website File)

Press Control S to save the website to your files (it should appear in your downloads)

After this you can type in any of these commands in any order:

goto (type in an x and y position to go to or type in top/bottom/left/right to go to a side of the screen)

eg. goto "left" "top" <- this will position the following command to be run at the top left of the window

changex / changey (will change the position of the next command to be run)

eg. changex 10

 square (type in the width height and the line weight in this order)

eg. square 10 20 2 <- this will draw a box with a height of 20 pixels and a width of 10 pixels with the outline being 2 pixels wide

text (writes text to the screen)

eg. text "hello!" 10 7 <- Hello is the text to be rendered, 10 is the size of the text, 7 is the spacing between letters

bg (sets the bg colour)

eg. bg "White"

eg. bg #ffffff

colour (sets the colour of the elements to be placed next)


colour "White" 

text "this text is white!" 10 7

^ this draws some white text ^ (same works with squares)

title (sets the text displayed in the browser tab)

eg. title "My Website!"

url (tells the computer the string you need to type into the browser in order to request this website)

eg. url ""


eg. url "this-isn't-a-url?"

you can also do maths equations in order to centre your text or other stuff

colour "White"

text "1 + 1 * 10 =" 10 7

changex 7

text 1 + 1 * 10 10 7

^ every maths character will affect the characters on either side of it, if you stop using maths characters, it will assume that part of the command has ended

this code will draw text that says 1 + 1 * 10 = 20

note, BIDMAS doesn't apply to this, it will always do calculations left to right.

Host Your Website:

To begin hosting a website, you must shift-click on your website file and select the share option then click on the box below the summit icon and a new window should open, then click the lighter coloured box on the new window and the website will be available for anybody to access if they type in your URL into the search bar in Summit.

Note, people will be able to request the website from your running client of origin, if your computer is off they will not be able to access the website, also if you close origin, all of your saved files and data will be erased, I'm working on a fix for that though so that your data will be stored in browser cookies so watch out for that, thanks and goodbye!

Example Code And Website:

This code produces this website


  • Origin OS V1.6.0.html 10 MB
    Aug 16, 2022
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