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Day 6 - Production point hit

The Great Seeker: Ascension
A downloadable game for Windows


This post was written after the project was completed. On the actual day 6 I was too tired to write, so I postponed it. So this post is only named Day 6 because it covers the progress on day 6. With that out of the way, here's the progress.

Proper path coupling: 

I managed to write working path coupling code. Since the wheel node doesn’t depend on being a child of a PathFollow2D node, making it work was just a matter of aligning the wheel’s position with the point at which it is supposed to jump over to the next path, change PathFollow2D node reference, and then move it the remainder of the distance. It was like writing a collision check, but on a line instead of in 2D space. And, I got it working relatively quickly, hurray!

This opens up a few new possibilities for level design. Like forcing the player to stop the wheel from falling of the path. But there's a problem: once the wheel is fast enough, it gets really hard for the player to stop it.

The down-dash:

Enter the down-dash. A new player mechanic where you start falling really quickly when you hold down and jump at the same time. Landing on a platform in that accelerated state lets you apply a higher amount of force to the wheel it than landing normally.

Pulling off this new move requires a little more coordination and foresight on the side of the player but, that's part of the challenge (and hopefully the fun). If mastered it will make it a little easier to control the wheel. I can imagine plenty situations in which the player would want to get the wheel moving faster: Running from enemies or the curse soaring up the mountain just being two of those.

And that pretty much sums up day 6.
I had made all the gameplay mechanics I could manage with the time I had. I was "ready" to hit the production point.

Cya on day 7.

Download The Great Seeker: Ascension
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