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The Return of the Bugfix 2: Electric Boogaloo

Tower of Kalemonvo
A downloadable masterpiece for Windows and Linux

Well met gamers,

Another fine bugfix patch is here upon us all, to address a couple of heinous old bugs and to resolve some newly discovered ones.

Fear not, my content starved friends! I have also included a couple of new things in this one. The patch will be available for download about 5 minutes after this is posted.

Firstly - the new goodies:

-Fixed a lot of bugs that occur after dying and selecting Try Again. The big one was the dreaded inventory bug. It took me forever to actually determine the root cause of that, and it was due to an incorrect list clearing. Oops.
-A lot of optimization fixes that will increase the average FPS slightly. More importantly, they aim to reduce ingame stuttering on certain situations. More works remains to be done, but it's better than it was before. If you have a powerful PC, you won't notice any changes.
-Flaming Skull collider issues when casting Flame Breath fully fixed.
-Some animation errors fixed on attacking barrels
-Change icon dimensions in the Equipped Inventory slots for 1x2 items, like wands and fetish idols.
-Fixed named mobs not moving around after losing sight of the player, instead opting to stand still. Especially noticeable with Skeleton Archers
-Fixed Slow visuals when casting multiple times on the same enemies
-Fixed player not moving after being given several conflicting directions over a very quick period of time.
-Fixed conflicts between item pickups and movement when occurring very rapidly between one another. More work to be done in this area.
-Fixed Shrine effect that hides map/closes doors. Should work as intended now, although there was one reported error I've yet to track down. Report any issues with this should you come across an error
-Fixed incorrect enemy scaling on enemies spawned by shrine
-Fixed UI button glow remaining after pressing it
-Fixed boss aggro. All members of a mob will now target a player if spotted by any individual mob enemy.
-Fixed UI error with regard to naming a saved game
-Skeleton Archers now have a more variable attack timer like other enemies
-Fixed some Upper Hall wall transparency visuals
-Fixed Unseen having long attack ranges sometimes
-Fixed Lootable Body colliders
-Dying now automatically closes all opened UI tabs
-Fixed incorrect sounds playing sometimes when trying to cast spells while attacking. 
-Fixed 2Handed weapon sounds on attack occurring too early
-Fixed poison tick damage not matching the poison visuals

Thanks for reading and your continuous support!


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