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Sample Shmup Mechanics
A downloadable Sample mechanics

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sample Mechanics series. From now on, I’ll keep posting more and more sample game mechanics for anyone interested on using them entirely or partially on their games.

This started as a wish to create new games, so I could focus on creating games and learning how those mechanics work. And, since there’re not many game mechanics out there, I thought that this could be somewhat useful for people interested on creating newer games.

This was based on a Youtube Tutorial by The BuffED and I decided to share the sample project with some little modifications I’ve made on the UI and the controllers. The tutorial itself only shows how to control the ship with the mouse, but I went on and created the Keyboard mapping as well. Also, I’ve implemented enemy collision and timed player bullets as well.

If you guys wish for more details over this sample shoot ’em up mechanic, I can detail a little more about the details of this sample.

Enjoy and nice coding!


  • 57 kB
    Aug 10, 2022
Download Sample Shmup Mechanics
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