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V0.31.1 Release!

Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


-New Furniture - Castle Map(Wall), Fireplace

-New Secret Base Feature: East Wing, West Wing

-Allows you to build various rooms and facilities for your secret base! Each area has 4 potential room locations, and changing the room costs 1000 gold.

-Starting room options - Bedrooms(Anya), Training Hall (Punching bag), Library(Able to do resesarch/study), Bathrooms(always present)

-New On-Call Clients

-Rough Worker, Nervous Professor, Strange Dwarf

-Can be scheduled with Ailicia in the Girl's Dorms after unlocking the on-call system

-New Animations - RGrope, LGrope, BGrope, Bouncing - Replaces first set of groping animations added to the game 2 years ago


-Changed the on-call system to 3-5x per month per client

-Increased the base pay of the on-call system by 100g

-Added a automatic check each morning to reset character visibility state

-Added a "Speed Fix" option to the last page of the debug tool -For use if you are slowed permenantly

-Fixes permement speed debuffs from old Nekomata boss battle


-Fixed Eillana's bust image breaking during careful research if you choose romance books

-Fixed On-Call prostitution skipping morning class prompt

-Fixed On-Call system not properly checking time slots for currently-existing scheduled events

-Fixed On-Call system potentially stalling if it can't find an open date to schedule in

-Fixed Nurse being unable to rmeove human pregnancies even early on

-Fixed Parasite-Be-Gone potion not working

-Slow Issues causing character to be slowed down on load(Via debug tool)

-Fixed  homeroom events automatically running when you enter the hall nearby

Known Issues

-(MAJOR)Game saves corrupt in certain circumstances, most seem to be related to mob AI. (Make backups of your save files and save on multiple days!)

-Some enemies can still knock you back into walls

-(Neko Boss)Can still be attacked by them when hp is reduced to 0

-Corrupt Church uses ancient artwork for Olivia

-Forest dungeon - Second floor doors, enemies not spawning in properly

-Gym, Swimming classes glitches out, outfits fail to load

-Forest outskirts tentacle plant spawn able to grope when not spawned in

-Mouse motion sometimes breaks

-Sustained spells need better visual indicators when they are active


  • Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower - Windows 1 GB
    Version 0.46
  • Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower - Mac 1 GB
    Version 0.46
  • Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower - Windows 1 GB
    Version 1
  • Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower - Mac 1 GB
    Version 1
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