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#ttrpg idea and concept

Stream at Susmmer Camp
A downloadable game

Some context

On June, I decided to participate in DriveThruRPG's #PocketQuest2022 Jam. It was a great opportunity to start making my first ttrpg, and understand how the whole process of making a ttrpg and published it was.

The jam had two big rules: make a rules-lite ttrpg in 2 months, and the usage of the 'summer camp' theme. Since I started DMing using one-page games and lite ttrpgs, I was somewhat related about that kind of games. However, we don't have the 'summer camp' experience here in Chile. The only thing that I know about summer camps in North America comes from the movies.

Horror is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the summer camp theme. I decided to not go through that way because it was the obvious choice. I wanted to make something quirky and completely different.

About the game idea/concept

What could be something really different for the theme? I thought (based on the movies that I have watched) that making something related with kids and counselors would likely be the theme for many other entries. I decided to change that, by putting streamers instead of kids. Furthermore, I wanted to make the game about creating surreal places, to give the power to the player to come up with anything that they would imagine.

This would be actually the link between the streamers and the camp: by allowing almost anything to happens, the streamers would have a goldmine of contents to exploit in each location around the summer camp.

I choose to play with the idea of using streamers as characters, because recently I have fallen into the vtubers rabbit hole. In fact, there is a reference to Kiara from HoloLive in the cover and inside of the book

In addition, I was thinking that adding some drawing or map making elements to the game would be nice. I played 'The Quiet Year' before and I love the experience of building stories around the drawings that each player made. I wanted to capture that element of the game and mix it with the theme.

It was in this point that I had the first raw idea about #streamatsuscamp: a group of streamers who went to this mysterious summer camp to only find a place where anything can happen based on the imagination of the players.

Download Stream at Susmmer Camp
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