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The First Two Patches :)

A downloadable Horror Game

Patch1  8/3/2022 10:25 PM:

Bug Fixes:  Fixed battery icon disappearing after respawning,  fixed render issue with one of the papers,  fixed the player getting stuck on some rocks, and fixed the first door glitching through rocks.

Changes:  Added more batteries in the first monster encounter area, made Gen2 easier to find,  added an extra checkpoint to the first monster encounter,  made rattle sound quieter, and made gen pickup sound quieter. (More bug fixes and improvements are on the way!)

Patch2  8/5/2022 1:36 AM:

Bug Fixes: Fixed player freezing after restarting the game, stopped mouse from popping up on screen after exiting paper, fixed bug where after respawning after the player was killed during the final chase, the player would die immediately, and fixed bug where after respawning after the player was killed during the final chase, the player would see the monsters at the place they died.

Changes: Added candle next to the detonator so it would be easier to find,  added another paper that explains how to deal with monsters so the player doesn't miss that info, changed flashlight button to left click, changed interact button to right click, changed exit paper button to E, added sprint control info to control menu as well as the paper interact info, increased the range that players can interact with objects, made some of the tunnels a bit easier to navigate, and slightly improved FPS at the start of the level. 


  • Wastelands 223 MB
    Aug 05, 2022
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